петак, 1. јун 2012.

something new

evo i par stvarcica,kupljenih u zadnjih 15-ak dana :))) ostale ce biti u nekom od narednih postova.
here are a few things, bought in the last 15 days :))) the other will be in the next few posts.

 preudobne !
comfortable !

 omiljene ravne (massimo dutti ) sandale :)
favorite straight (Massimo Dutti) sandals :)
 omiljene massimo dutti sa stiklom :)
Massimo Dutti favorite high heels :)
 nisam mogla da odolim ovoj boji -stradivarius
I could not resist this color-stradivarius
 kozna jakna-massimo dutti
Leather jacket-Massimo Dutti
prsten kupljen od divne ,predivne fashion magnolije :-*


Ni sama ne mogu da verujem koliko sam lenja :( Nema ni jedno dovoljno dobro opravdanje sto nisam izbacila novi post od septembra .u medjuvremenu sam bar skolu privela kraju  :)
evo par slicica pre pravog posta koji sledi za par dana,SIGURNO :) 
p.s.zadnje dve slike su nastale u trenutku dosade :)))))
veliki poljubac

can not believe how lazy I am: ( There is not a good enough excuse as I released a new post in September. In the meantime at least I finished the school :) here are a few pictures before proper post for the following few days, SAFE :) 
p.s.the last two pictures were made at the moment of boredom :)))))
  big kiss :-*